It all happened during the classic visit to Auroville, the city of dawn, situated at about 10 kms north of the town of Pondicherry. This was perhaps the first time I saw complete sacrifice and absolute dedication for spiritual devotion! To walk the path of goodwill and make this world a better place…To leave all the materialistic luxury and fantasies of pleasure…To achieve the immortal luxury of peace & satisfaction and accomplish the divine pleasure of benevolence…To heal the world with the realization of human unity. This is a town being built where people from all countries can live in peace and progressive harmony, above all creeds, politics and nationalities. Auroville founded by Mirra Alfassa (better known as ‘The Mother’) is one of the biggest projects of Sri Aurobindo Society. It is Sri Aurobindo’s vision in action. It is a place which represents no religion, no philosophy and no sect.
The greenery around was serene. I loved gazing all over and was busy admiring the variety of plants and trees around while I was having a stroll in the campus…When my eyes suddenly fell on somebody. It absolutely distracted my attraction towards the place so green and so beautiful. Perhaps I saw something, rather, someone more pleasing!